Wednesday, January 28, 2009


  1. Thank you for your kind words recently over at Frank's blog. I had already discovered your own blog before you left your comment, and bookmarked it under "My Daily" visits.

    I do not know how I share a world with so many who have such distorted and hateful views about what has happened to Palestine, particularly in USA where I live.

    Thank you for your wonderful blog trying to bring light to this horrendous injustice with its insidious roots in Zionism well over a century ago.

  2. Thanks for your encouragement Sally!

    Every war situation is fought both on the ground and through media/propaganda, and when children with stones are facing the fourth largest army in the world, our only hope is that they at least be victorious in the media war. Swayed public opinion and consequent action are the only weapon able to change what's happening on the ground.

    I just hope that the efforts of everyone trying to bring light to this issue, and all the information being shared in these sites and forums, is actually reaching the correct people.

    Thanks again for your support.
